Thursday, July 24, 2008

cute kids...

More cute kids! This is Ethan and Norah - I took their pictures last week! We had a ton of them individually, but had a harder time getting them both to sit still, look, and smile at the same time. There were some pretty cute ones though!!!


Wednesday, July 23, 2008

2008 Lake Michigan Beach Day

Here it is!

Details about Lake MI Beach Day! Send me an e-mail at to book your 20 minute session today! When spots are filled, they are gone!
We'll be at Kirk Park in West Olive!

Senior Picture Special!!

Hello 2009 Graduates!

Your BIG year is about to start!

August is the last month to get your Senior Pictures taken and into your school's yearbook on time!

Book by August 10th and get 16 free wallets of your choice added to your package!

Contact Craig or Stephenie at to schedule your appointment!



PS....CCC Seniors - there is an extra special in place for you for all of August. Contact Stephenie or Craig for details or take a look on Stephenie's FB page! Thanks!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Beach Day!

Details to come about a Beach Day! We are going to offer short sessions at Lake Michigan for family, seniors, or children's pictures!

Watch for more info next week and for your chance to book your time slot!



Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Meredith and Tim

Wedding Day! Meredith and Tim's wedding day was beautiful, and the rain avoided the day and made it perfect!! Kind of windy, but that made for some fun shots with her veil!!

Congratulations!! Thanks for including us!